As an Electrical Engineering Student what you can learn in 10 minutes which will be useful in rest of the life. (from Quora)

‘Useful for the rest of life’…..this is actually perspective. There is no such thing one can say with gaurantee that it will be useful for rest of the life. Well this may sound rude but let me go into deeper. Lets say you will be working in software for rest of your life. Then the concept- a charged inductor must not be opened circuited instanteneously- will not be useful for you but the same concept is too much useful who is going for higher studies. You may argue on the fact that whether an electrical engineering student need to know this concept or not irrespective of what is he going to do in future. Obviously everyone need to know this because it is one of the most fundamental things in electrical engineering. But it is the question whether this question will be useful for him or her in future as Useful for the rest of life.
Well let the debate go on. lets come to the point. You just cannot say this concept is required that concept is not required. Learn everything… do not know when what concept will be required. Few skills are there you can develop which may be useful.
  • Develop the the programming skill. It will be useful whatever be your field of working.
  • Develop the skill of knowing by self. Now a days so many resources are available in internet its not a big deal fir self learning.
  • Develop the skill of working in a team.
These are the basic skills which are required almost in every field of working. May be you will become software developer or researcher or entrepreneur, these skills are actually useful for life lifetime.
There are two things. One is Information another is Skill. Like using Matlab Software you can solve circuit problems. This is sn information which may be required. But how to use Matlab to dolve different problems is a skill. Skill developes thorugh practice. The point to say this is that knowing something as information in studying electrical engineering may be or may not be helpful in future but surely developinv certain skills will definitely be useful im future.
Yesssss……this skills you cannot develop in 10 minutes. But you learn in 10 minutes what skills you need to develop which will be useful in your future life.
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